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MSS Business Solutions - Training and Consultancy Company in the Philippines

The Eight Es of Leadership and Management Success

The Eight Es of Leadership and Management Success

Everywhere we go and work, there’s always something wrong that we notice about how a certain supervisor leads and manages us and our co-workers on the team.

Even with ourselves, when we assume a leadership/managerial position, we’ve always been worried about how we could be a better leader or a manager or if we’re a good leader or manager in the first place.

The success in leading or managing does not lie in whether we understand and apply the differences between being a leader or a manager nor how many leadership and management theories from the books we can apply in real life.

True success rests in our willingness and ability to lead and manage our colleagues to appreciable results even through business challenges and individual imperfections.

One who has a holistic approach to directing people with varied personalities, priorities, and purposes in life and in their career usually enjoys the pleasures of people truly communicating, collaborating, and cooperating.

A holistic approach to leadership and management means that the supervisor caters to the internal and external factors that bring in productivity and efficiency.

These factors are internal and external to the person being led or managed. If these so-called components are taken into account, utilized to one’s advantage, and maximized, there is no way the supervisor is gonna have difficulties exceeding targets with the help of his employees.

I have personally named these factors as the Eight Es to Leadership and Management Success. Let’s talk about them one by one.


educating employees

Effective people who demonstrate efficiency at work are those who can honestly affirm they get complete education (coaching and even training) from their supervisors.

Supervisors must ensure that when they give instructions and even when their staff is simply going about their routine work, they thoroughly know their assignment, the accountability in place, their authority over their responsibility, and the needed aspiration/s to be successful in what they do.

All of these are accomplished if leaders are there for their employees every step of the way guiding and providing them with the necessary knowledge or information to complete their tasks the best way they are capable of.

Orientations must then be consummate. Therefore, job assistance or support must be all-encompassing.

Supervisors don’t just tell their employees what to do and how to do it. They’re also better off explaining to them what aspects of the job they will be held liable for, what the extent of their shared power is, and what their required performance standards or success indicators are.

Don’t confuse this with spoon-feeding though. Spoon-feeding is offering excessive help or information all throughout the duration of the work that employees are not left to think for themselves anymore.

This is merely making it a point that they are ‘fully-furnished’, so to speak, at the outset of the delegation even before they carry out the task.

Remember, when supervisors know how to educate their employees in every sense of the word, success is a surety.


Equipping Employees

Knowledge needs skills for the former to translate to observable and measurable individual and organizational efficacy.

Even if employees know a lot about their assignment, their accountability, their authority, and the company-prescribed needed aspiration, they may still be bound to fail if they are not equipped with the right competencies.

To become effective leaders and managers, supervisors must personalize their employees’ learning and development in order to tool or retool their manpower properly.

Depending upon a person’s strengths and areas for improvement and working, communication, and learning styles, they must assess, formulate, assemble, execute, and evaluate the perfect talent development plan to help employees do their best at work with the fewest work-related errors and the optimal results possible.

Take note that well-prepared and sufficiently-geared employees are confident implementers and when there is confidence backed up by the right knowledge and the correct know-how, quality of input and output is assured.


employee motivation

A company may have the most brilliant and proficient employees on board, but if they lack the right attitude to not only remain loyal to the organization and their bosses but to be able to work perfectly with their colleagues as well, talent retention is in danger and organizational and interpersonal communication will suffer.

Leaders ought to strike a balance among the education (knowledge), equipment (skills), and encouragement (attitude) of their employees.

They should ensure that while their people enjoy the best learning and development, embodying positive values is equally significant.

Part of encouraging employees is also keeping them motivated and inspired. When they are, they look forward to getting back to work wanting to do the same thing and desiring to work with the same people over and over again.

As they say, when people love their job, their job loves them back. When there is a mutual feeling, success is guaranteed.

The find out how else to motivate or inspire your employees, you might be interested in reading our article on The CONNECT Strategy too.


employee engagement

To engage somebody is not only to catch his attention to interest him but also to allow him to take part in something.

When employees’ drive for work is always kept burning and when they are engaged in planning, problem solving and decision making for matters concerning their job, their tenure, their compensation and benefits, their promotion, and their relationship with other people, they feel valued and actively involved.

Supervisors should not treat their employees as merely soldiers who are expected to die in battle during wars. They must be conferred the avenue and the voice to demonstrate their developing leadership and management skills.

An effective leader and manager is someone who leverages his people and maximizes their knowledge, skills, and attitude to help overcome chronic business challenges, solve tricky work problems, respond to long-unanswered questions, and bring in innovations and creative ideas.


Employee Empowerment

The true measure of a great leader is not how many followers he has but how many new leaders he gets to develop or replicate during his regime/tenure.

When employees are given official authority to decide on their own and test their knowledge, skills, and experience in a very challenging yet realistic work scenario, their maturity as a professional is enhanced.

They also feel valued because they feel that they are being developed. They can see they are also leveling up because they are immersed in situations where the scope of the assignment is wider and the level of difficulty is graduating.

When supervisors empower their people the right way and in the right direction, they develop a sense of responsibility and accountability that doesn’t only prepare them for future promotions but also enhance their independence and level of efficiency even when they don’t want to be promoted.



Happy, contented, and satisfied employees are the best assets of any organization.

When they don’t only need their job but also want and desire it, supervisors have themselves the most faithful and loyal business partners who will not leave them even when the going gets tough.

There’s also a saying that goes, “Happy Employees, Happy Customers”. This is very true. When employees are happy, the feeling is carried over to the way they serve their clients and the manner by which they give them a ‘feel-good’ experience during the whole customer service experience.

Ultimately, people who have genuine fun at work never look at their job as a job but as a leisure activity or a hobby that they are excited to put their mind and heart into every single day.

Automatically, the happiness, contentment, and job satisfaction translate to unprecedented business and individual performance results.


The phrase Lead By Example on a cork notice board

To be a great leader and manager is to be an awesome role model. Even when supervisors or managers know and apply all the known leadership and management theories the books teach, the impact to the employees is less if they don’t practice what they preach or walk the talk in terms of displaying all the positive attitude and positive actions expected of them.

It’s very awkward and unbecoming of so-called leaders and managers if they keep on lecturing their employees about always being present at work, not coming to work late, and/or giving more than their best all the time when they don’t do the same with their personal job expectations.

Therefore, leaders and managers are expected to first showcase themselves first what they expect of their employees before they have the right to do the same with them. Lead by example.

Escort to Success

be a role model

The last E to leadership and management success is when supervisors don’t just act as authorities to their subordinates but as buddies to their success too.

When they always remind their team members what’s in it for them and the company every time they do their job and they appreciate it/them or inspired by it/them, quality and effectiveness are almost always assured.

An ‘Escort to Success’ is someone who doesn’t only lead his people to where they are supposed to be based on their individual goals but is one who also aligns them with the vision, mission, core values, and strategic directions of the company.

They should be on the same path as the company is on. They should be doing what the company expects them to do. They should be living up to the standards that have made the organization successful. They should be learning, loving, and living the work values that the company’s brand and reputation communicate to both the internal and external clients. Lastly, they should be one with the company in taking it to whatever its vision is – be the #1, the most preferred, the go-to guy, etc.

In conclusion…

When a supervisor exemplifies and exhibits these Eight (8) Es of Leadership and Management Success, directing people through the needed organizational and individual results should never be difficult again.

Being a leader and a manager doesn’t have to be a very dreaded or stressful job.

For as long as we all employ a holistic approach to taking charge of people and their purposes, personalities, principles, preferences, and priorities with these Eight Es, we can all enjoy being a leader and a manager as much as we expect our employees to do the same with their functions.

Finally, our Es of Leadership and Management Success is already a public Corporate EnterTrainment. Please see the details below:


The Es of Leadership and Management Success

A High-Value Corporate EnterTrainment on Enhancing Managerial Cognition, Competencies, and Character Towards Organizational and People Success
March 3, 2017
8:30am – 5:30pm
Charlston Room, 3rd Floor, The Eastwood Richmonde Hotel
17 Orchard Road, Eastwood City, Bagumbayan, Quezon City, Metro Manila 1110

To sign up for this EnterTraining Advanced Leadership and Management EnterTrainment, ring us up at (02) 919-2734. You may also text or call us at 0936-988-6199 or 0933-232-6149.

EnterTrainment Overview:
A lot of companies are now investing more in sending both their newly-promoted and tenured supervisors and managers to public leadership and management seminars or in hiring external training providers to facilitate their similar in-house training need.

It is great news that they have seen the need and they already appreciate the advantages of allowing their leaders and managers to possess the right needed knowledge, skills, and abilities to be effective in the performance of their functions.

Nonetheless, only few learning opportunities truly provide value not only to the people but also to the company that the learners represent. The resource speaker may be very capable and the training’s content looks very good on paper. In fact, the whole learning experience is memorable. The only usual area for improvement though is that as soon as the learners go back to the workplace and apply all the wisdom gained from the training in the next 30 to 90 days, only a few learnings are retained, their application is not sustained for a long time, and/or worse, some aspects are still lacking in the way the training’s beneficiaries lead and manage their employees.

We all have learned about some of the world and our history’s renowned leadership and management theories and concepts like the Hersey-Blanchard Situational Leadership Theory. The challenge though is that employees still could not close the gap between theories and practicality or application.

This EnterTrainment has been put together from the belief that adult learners learn best when what they ought to learn was designed and developed not from the perspective of the trainer but from the viewpoint of the learners themselves, these supervisors and managers and the people they lead and manage, the employees.

This EnterTraining learning opportunity introduces the EnterTrainees to the Es of Leadership and Management Success. These Es are action words that the leaders and managers are expected to do if they desire to truly bring out the best in their people while guaranteeing productivity towards people and organizational success and employee retention and loyalty through happiness, satisfaction, and contentment.

EnterTrainment Objectives:
By the end of this one-day EnterTrainment, the EnterTrainees should have been able to:
1. Know, understand, appreciate, and apply the Es of Leadership and Management success to develop and sustain high-performing employees who care for their company and employees as much as they care for themselves
2. Be multi-dimensional or ‘a complete package’ leader and manager that contributes to the company’s downlines while taking care of happy, satisfied, and contented employees at the same time.
3. Replicate themselves and echo the Es of Leadership and Management success through the people they influence, motivate, and inspire on a daily basis.

EnterTrainment Highlights:
 The Five As to Delegating or Giving Instructions Clearly and Thoroughly
 All-encompassing Guidelines in Job Assistance or Support

 The I.N.S.P.I.R.E.™ and R.E.S.U.L.T.S.™ Model in Coaching People to Success
 Root Cause and Talent Needs Assessments and their Role in Effective Management
 The Holistic Approach in Leadership and Management
o Strengths and Areas for Improvement Identification
o Working Habits
o Learning Styles
o Communication Preferences

 Five Proven Strategies to Improve Employee Loyalty
 Management’s Role in Work-life Balance
The CONNECT Strategy in Motivating and Inspiring Employees

 The True Meaning of Employee Engagement – Keeping the Employees’ Drive for Work Burning

 How to Empower Employees – Enhancing their Maturity as Professionals

 Ensuring HCS (Happiness, Contentment, and Satisfaction) – Make-up of Model Employees
 How to Make People Love their Jobs More Despite Work Stress and Management Pressure


 The Ws of Leadership and Management Success
 The Ps of Employer-Employee Harmony

We are renowned in the country and in the industry of professional training and speaking as The Corporate EnterTrainer. Our EnterTrainees will learn so much while having fun at the same time. We understand and apply the Adult Learning Principles and know how adults best learn through a mix of different training methodologies.





  • Ranked as one of the Top Best Motivational Speakers in the Philippines
  • Ranked as one of the Top Best Inspirational Speakers in the Philippines
  • Ranked as the Best Freelance Corporate Trainer in the Philippines
  • One of the Philippines’ most sought-after resource speakers, corporate trainers, and learning and development consultants on a wide array of topics including but not limited to Leadership and Management, Customer Service, Customer Experience, Communication Skills, Train the Trainer, Work Attitude and Values Enhancement, Change Management, etc.
  • Chief EnterTrainment Officer (CEO), MSS Business Solutions (formerly Myron Sta. Ana Training and Consultancy Services)
  • Chief Partner Speaker, Trainer, and Consultant, Thought Leaders Philippines Speakers, Trainers, and Consultants Bureau – the speakers bureau arm of MSS Business Solutions and one of the Top Five (5) speakers bureaus in the Philippines
  • Founder, Philippine Network of Young Speakers and Trainers (PNOYS) – a network of speaking, training, and consultancy practitioners below 35 years old
  • Global Partner Speaker, Trainer, and Consultant – Professional Development Training (PDTraining Global Pty. Ltd.) in Australia (, Globibo Corporate Training (Globibo Services Ptvt. Ltd.) in Singapore (, and Customized Training Solutions in Singapore (
  • Representative in the Philippines and Exclusive Local Partner Consultant, Spintel Pty. Ltd. or Spintel – a mobile and internet services reseller in Australia that outsources its call center to a Mandaue City, Cebu-based call center company
  • Widely-affiliated partner speaker, trainer, and consultant to the Philippines’ most renowned training companies and speakers bureaus like Ariva Academy Philippines (, Southeast Asia Speakers and Trainers Bureau (, Bay Hewitt Learning and Consulting (, Aptus Business Solutions (, Limitless Power Coach Training and Consultancy (, Umbrella Speakers Bureau (, etc.
  • Globally-certified Leading Dimensions Profile Facilitator and Consultant of Leading Dimensions Consulting (, a Tampa Bay, Florida-based global provider of behavioral profiles and employment surveys, with affiliates on five continents
  • International Member, Association for Talent Development ( and International Association of Teamwork Facilitators (IATF) (
  • Around seven (7) years as a Human Resources Generalist in the BPO industry
  • Frequent radio and TV resource person for topics on Career Success, Work Excellence and Productivity, Personality Development, Work-life Balance, etc.
  • Bachelor in Business Teacher Education Degree Holder, CUM LAUDE – Polytechnic University of the Philippines Sta. Mesa, Manila
  • Masters in Educational Management (MEM) Units earned – Polytechnic University of the Philippines Graduate School
  • Recipient of the following Industry Awards and Recognitions:
    o 2017 Philippine Top Choice Awards for Excellence and Outstanding Achievers, Top Choice Outsource Solution Specialist
    o 2016 Acquisition International Excellence Awards 2016, Most Outstanding Corporate Training Provider in the Philippines
    o 2016 APAC Insider Business Elite Awards, Corporate Training Firm of the Year
    o 2016 The National Product Quality Excellence Awards, Seal of Service Quality
    o 2016 Philippine Awards for Customer Service Excellence, Outstanding Customer Service Training and Consultancy Services Provider
    o 2016 Golden Globe Annual Awards for Business Excellence, Best Event Services Consultancy Provider
    o 2015 APAC Insider Business Awards, Best Corporate Training Provider in the Philippines
    o 2015 Golden Globe Annual Awards for Outstanding Filipino Achiever, Medal of Distinction for Business Achievement
    o 2014 TOP BRAND Awards Philippines, Corporate Trainer and Motivational Speaker of the Year
    o 2014 TOP BRAND Awards Philippines Corporate Training, Leadership and Event Consultancy of the Year
    o Juan Sumulong Memorial Junior College Taytay, Rizal Outstanding Alumnus of Class 2002

Your Investment:
Save-a-lot Rate: P4499 + VAT (On or before January 2, 2017)
Early Bird Rate: P5299 + VAT (Between January 3 and February 2, 2017)
Regular Rate: P5999 + VAT (Starting February 3, 2017)
Group Rate: P4899 + VAT (5 pax or more)

Your EnterTrainment investment includes: An awesome EnterTrainment package inclusive of workbooks, certificates and free stuff plus delicious AM snack, lunch, and PM snack.

Payment Details:
Please deposit your payment at any branch of:

Bank of the Philippine Islands


Account Name: Myron Sta. Ana Training and Consultancy Services
Account Number: 4099 3271 09
Branch: Ortigas Avenue Extension, Cainta, Rizal 1900

Please email your validated deposit slip with your company name, contact person, contact information, and name of enrollees and their contact information to

To get in touch with us directly, just reach us at the following information:
(02) 919-2734 
0936 988 6199 | 0933 232 6149 | 

By the way, you might be interested in checking out our other leadership and management-related training programs that are perfect for your in-house corporate training needs on people-handling or supervision. Just click the link below:

Leadership and Management Training in the Philippines


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Phone: (Globe) (02) 7255-5568
Mobile: (Globe) 0995 846 2495 | (Smart) 0933 232 6149
Block 4, Lot 2, Bronze Meadow Street, Westernvill Sapphire Subdivision
Barangay Tagpos, Binangonan, Rizal 1940