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MSS Business Solutions - Training and Consultancy Company in the Philippines

Motivational Speaker on Self-Motivation in the Philippines

Motivational Speaker on Self-Motivation in the Philippines


Motivational Speaker on Self-Motivation in the Philippines


Specific Purpose: To motivate the employees of the organization to promote and enrich individual excellence at work and to remain motivated and inspired.

Central Idea: SELF-MASTERY



The Attention Step

  • (Attention Getter)
    • Known brand of greeting people, introducing oneself, and setting the mood of the event with comedic twists
    • Segue: Is this an event to correct our past mistakes, to work on our areas for improvement, or a reason to celebrate because things are going to get better starting today?
  • (Credibility Statement)
    • Personal Success Story in living a life of P.R.I.D.E.
      • I was born and raised in a family of a carpenter father and a sidewalk vendor mother.
      • I went to a public university.
      • I had experienced skipping meals, walking to a destination that would require taking a public transportation, and borrowing money from my parents and other people just to survive.
      • I was an employee myself struggling to make both ends meet, relate well with other people, and accomplish something in this dog-eat-dog world.
    • However, it has been in P.R.I.D.E that I was able to get past it all and make a leap of faith that has led me to who I am.
      • Owner of my own training and consultancy group.
      • One of the top professional speakers, corporate trainers, team building facilitators, and training consultants in the country at a still very young age of 39 years old.
      • Partner training consultant, resource speaker, corporate trainer, and team building facilitator to the country and the world’s most renowned speakers bureaus and training firms.
    • Relate to their line of business and menu of services.
  • (Preview)
    • Excellence is not a skill you acquire. It’s an attitude you embody.
    • Excellence is not only a requirement for professionalism but a personal sincere and all-out effort to put quality into work.
    • Excellence is both in what you do and how you behave.
    • We are what we repeatedly to. Excellence, therefore, is not an act but a habit.

(Transition: So, why and how do we embody P.R.I.D.E.?)



(The Ten (10) Ingredients to Personal and Team Excellence)

Highlights: Stand-up Comedy, EnterTRAINment (what Mentor Myron Sta. Ana is known for: he raps, dances, makes people dance, sings, makes people sing, and rallies people), Funny; People-Engaging Anecdotes, and Moving Quotes


  • Initiative
    • “When an idea pops up, document it, execute it right away, and just critique it in the process. Don’t let other people make the first move to try what could’ve been yours.”
  • Can-do and Gonna-Do Attitude
    • “If you can think it, you can believe it. If you can believe it, you can do it. If you can do it, you can achieve it. If you can achieve it, you can welcome a better life.”
  • Taking Ownership and Responsibility
    • “A great and effective leader doesn’t say ‘It’s their fault’ but says ‘It’s my fault’.”
  • Going the Extra Mile
    • “What makes people special is not what they do that they ought to do but what they do that they don’t have to do.”
  • Pride and Passion
    • “Take pride in who you are and what you do and people who look up to you will take pride in who they are, what they do, and their work.”
    • “Learn it. Live it. Love it. Lock It. Oh, now it’s loving you back.”
  • Creativity and Innovation
    • “Don’t compete with the competition. Make the competition compete with you.”
  • Personal Learning and Development
    • “Who you are and what you can today should always be a better version of who you were and what you could do yesterday.”
  • Alignment
    • Talk about the company’s vision, mission, and values being aligned with the individual and team values
  • Resilience
    • “Don’t be sad and feel miserable when it seems you don’t run out of problems on your way to you desired success. That fact is, the more problems you can endure, the better. Because when you finally hit the jackpot, you would certainly have a better inspirational story to share with other people.”
  • Integrity

    • “Your intelligence and competencies may take you far, but it is integrity that will take you there.”



The Action Step

  • (Summary)
    • The company might already be a famous brand. Even without aggressive selling/marketing tactics, potential client companies know the firm.
    • However, it is complacence that starts the downfall even that of an empire. With P.R.I.D.E., excellence is retained, transferred, and sustained.
    • With your example, it can be contagious and everybody from top to bottom will be affected by it.
  • (Call to Action)
    • Rally people as a Call to Immediate Action with everybody being asked to stand up to dance with the #CorporateEnterTRAINer to the tune of a certain groovy music.
  • (Memorable Close)


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Motivational Speaker on Teamwork in the Philippines

Motivational Speaker on Career Success in the Philippines

Motivational Speaker on Work-Life Balance in the Philippines

Motivational Speaker on Work Excellence in the Philippines

Motivational Speaker on Sales Enhancement in the Philippines

Motivational Speaker on Optimism or Positivity in the Next Normal

Motivational Speaker on Work Passion in the Philippines


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Phone: (Globe) (02) 7255-5568
Mobile: (Globe) 0995 846 2495 | (Smart) 0933 232 6149
Block 4, Lot 2, Bronze Meadow Street, Westernvill Sapphire Subdivision
Barangay Tagpos, Binangonan, Rizal 1940