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MSS Business Solutions - Training and Consultancy Company in the Philippines

PSDM Training in the Philippines

PSDM Training in the Philippines


A Corporate EnterTRAINment on PSDM – a 1-day PSDM Training in the Philippines


by our member/resident trainer, speaker, and consultant, Mr. Art Sibal



This 1-day PSDM Training in the Philippines is designed to give your organization’s key officers, managers, supervisors, employees, as well as professionals important rational concepts, systematic techniques, and a mental discipline for dealing more effectively and efficiently with on-the-job situations.

It emphasizes practical applications to issues and concerns that they are responsible for on the job.

This workshop will focus on the Problem-Solving Process which involves:

  • Appraising the Situation: A process by which concerns are recognized, separated into manageable elements, assessed for implications, ranked in order of priority, and designed for a particular type of analysis.
  • Analyzing the Problem: A process by which the nature and detail of a problem are specified; the possible causes identified, tested, and the most probable cause verified.
  • Analyzing the Decision: A process by which a list of objectives is generated. Against this standard, each alternative is measured and adverse consequences are identified.
  • Analyzing a Potential Problem: A process by which plan is systematically examined to uncover those areas that could go wrong, against which preventive and contingent actions are developed.



The goal of this 1-day PSDM Training in the Philippine is to equip participants with the knowledge, mindset, and practical skills required to apply critical thinking effectively in their professional roles, enabling them to analyze complex situations, make informed decisions, and contribute positively to organizational success.



At the end of this program, we will have:

  • Transferred to your personnel a common process for problem solving and decision making (PSDM).
  • Provided a basis for systematically gathering, organizing and evaluating information.
  • Provided your key personnel with a systematic process that can be integrated into the management process of your organization.
  • Provided a format for documenting problems solved for management evaluation and review.



  • A common approach for issue and concern resolution
  • A systematic process that becomes part of the management process of the organization



  • Initial investigation of current skills for problem solving and decision making (PSDM)
  • Briefings and discussions of the problem solving and decision making (PSDM) processes
  • Case study demo with feedback






Day 1


  • Introductions
  • Workshop Objectives
  • Learning Format


Module 1: Appraising the Situation

  • Meaning of Process
  • Opening Case Exercise:  Project Situation
  • Process Fundamentals Situation Appraisal
    • List & Clarify Concerns
    • Prioritize
    • Determine Analysis to Use
    • Delegate Involvement


Module 2:  Analyzing the Problem

  • Determining the Problem Demo
    • State the Problem
    • Describe / Specify the Problem
    • Develop / Evaluate Possible Causes
    • Verify True Cause



Module 3: Analyzing the Decision

  • Deciding on the Best Option Teach & Demo
    • Clarify Purpose and Objectives
    • List and Evaluate Options Teach
    • Determine Adverse Consequences
    • Make the Best Balanced Choice
    • Case Exercise (optional)


Module 4: Analyzing a Potential Problem

  • Potential Problem Demo
  • Identify Risk Areas of Plan
  • Determine Potential problems
  • Determine likely Causes
  • Prepare Preventive Actions
  • Plan Contingent Actions


Final Planning


Summary and Close


Check out our other Personal Productivity-related training programs below:

Personal Productivity Training in the Philippines


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Block 4, Lot 2, Bronze Meadow Street, Westernvill Sapphire Subdivision
Barangay Tagpos, Binangonan, Rizal 1940