MSS Business Solutions - Training and Consultancy Company in the Philippines

Written English Proficiency Training in the Philippines

Written English Proficiency Training in the Philippines


A Corporate EnterTRAINment on Email and Business Letter Grammar – a Written English Proficiency Training in the Philippines


By the end of this Written English Proficiency Training in the Philippines, the goal is to correct, improve, and professionalize employee participants’ written grammar concerning the following:

  1. Data Entry and Processing
  2. Transcription
  3. Editing
  4. Forms Processing
  5. Report Writing
  6. Email Sending



To achieve the goal above of this 1-day Written English Proficiency Training in the Philippines, the trainees/participants should be able:

  • To recognize and appreciate the importance of correct and understandable grammar, punctuation and spelling on written communications.
  • To know by heart the common Filipinisms/Filipinoisms that should not be used when composing emails and writing reports.
  • To be familiar with the most commonly misspelled words by Filipinos.
  • To recall the most important grammar and punctuation rules that Filipinos commonly make mistakes with. 
  • To always critique documentations and correspondences before sending them.


Why is a Well Written and Grammatical Email Important?

A funny video about the importance of good grammar in communication will be shown.


Filipinisms or Filipinoisms

Most Common Filipino Expressions that Shouldn’t Be Used on Emails and Reports


Most Commonly Misspelled Words in English


Most Commonly Misused or Interchanged Words in English


Punctuation Rules in English

Correct Usage of the:

  • Comma
  • Period
  • Exclamation Point
  • Colon
  • Semi-colon
  • Apostrophe
  • Hyphen


Email Grammar Rules

Most Common Errors in:

  • Subject-Verb Agreement
  • Verb Tenses
  • Prepositions
  • Pronoun-Antecedent Agreement
  • Word Usage


Knowing the Most Commonly Used Phrasal Verbs on Emails


Application Activity:

Participants will critique a set of poorly composed emails and reports.


Check out our other Communication-related programs by clicking the link below:

Communication Skills Training in the Philippines


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Phone: (Globe) (02) 7255-5568
Mobile: (Globe) 0995 846 2495 | (Smart) 0933 232 6149
Block 4, Lot 2, Bronze Meadow Street, Westernvill Sapphire Subdivision
Barangay Tagpos, Binangonan, Rizal 1940